Too Bad to be Foolish

Deniz Aydemir
2 min readFeb 5, 2022
Praise You (1998)

There is a famous word that is often suggested by many brokers: “Too big to fail.” It is quite weird that witnessing that kind of “awkward” music clip watched millions and awarded as “Best Music Video of All Time” organised by MTV. Apparently; we realize that it is too bad to be foolish and that is the reason behind this video clip’s success. We leave ourselves into the arms of intended foolish regardless of our aesthetic affirmations, just enjoy!

But I can’t stop myself from thinking about the label. Would I enjoy as much as I did if this clip is just watched 500 times let’s say and published by a random guy in Youtube or would I zap suddenly when it appears on my screen? I believe that I would do the second one. What is the difference?

Fountain (Duchamp, 1917)

Our understanding is totally dependent on the signals about the “thing”. We live in a fast paced, mad world and we don’t have enough time to stop and think “Hmm, It must be too bad to be foolish; thus, it should have an aim.” when we see an “awkward” video that is just watched 500 times and uploaded by a random guy to Youtube. That is why we just zap this video immediately. But when it has labels like “#SpikeJonze”, “#MTVBestVideoClipEver” and so on, our affirmations and perceptions gets changed. We seek a meaning behind any kind of “rubbish” or “awkward” thing that has these labels because “It must have a meaning if it has these labels”.

Medium is the message.

Deniz Aydemir



Deniz Aydemir

Studying COMD at Bilkent University.